Another Booster only set, Babidi Saga expanded upon the Majin mechanic. Although it had been introduced in the World Games Saga, Majin Spopovich and Rare preview card of Majin Vegeta were the only Personalities that could take advantage of it. The Majin mechanic was praised by some fans, and looked down upon by others. Majin Personalities were only able to have other Majin Personalities as Allies; thus, by the end of the Dragon Ball CCG, if one was playing a Hero deck with Majin Personalities, they only had Majin Vegeta, Majin Dabura, and "fat" Majin Buu to choose from. This mechanic was discarded when Dragon Ball GT was released, with the exception of playing in Expanded format. On an entertainment scale, like the Cell Game and World Games sagas, quotes and character head-shots were limited almost solely to Non-Combat Cards and were few and far between.