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Future Sight Promos


Future Sight

Future Sight is the third expansion in the Time Spiral block and forty-second Magic: The Gathering expansion. It was released on May 4, 2007, and contains 180 cards, as was customary at the time of its release for small sets, of which 81 cards are "futureshifted". The prerelease events for this set were held on April 21–22, 2007.

Future Sight contains 180 all new black-bordered cards (60 rare, 60 uncommon, and 60 commons), including 81 futureshifted cards (27 of each rarity - not including mythic rare, which didn't exist at the time). The theme of this expansion is "the future"; to fit the theme of the block ("time"). Future Sight introduced a new card type: Tribal. The set also was to include one or more Planeswalker cards, but the design was not ready on time, so they were put off until the Lorwyn expansion. The expansion symbol of the set is an eye, maybe looking through a rift.