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Monster Tykes CCG

Monster Tykes CCG
Monster Tykes CCG
Rapid POD Printing
Date published:
January 2007
In print:
Official website:


In Monster Tykes, players lead a Team of young fantasy Monsters or Heroes who just can't wait to grow up and be like their parents. Too anxious to wait, they bully other Teams around the town, in schoolyards, and underground caverns. The first Team to send the other home "Crying to their mommies" wins!

Monster Tykes CCG Database

Below is a complete database of the Monster Tykes CCG. Click on one of the sets below to view the cards in that set. Click on a card to add it for sale, trade or a wishlist / collection. If you find any errors in the database, please contact us using the feedback form at the bottom of the page.

Monster Tykes CCG