Team Rocket, released in April 2000, is the 5th set of cards in the Pokémon Trading Card Game. The title refers to a criminal organization from the video games Pokémon Red, Blue, and Yellow, and also features the trio of Rockets known as Jessie, James, and Meowth, who relentlessly follow the protagonists in the anime. Its symbol is the R, which is the Team Rocket organization's symbol and can be seen on practically everything that comes from them.
This set introduced the Dark Pokémon, Pokémon corrupted and controlled by the Team Rocket organization. After the release of this set, Dark Pokémon would not show a strong presence until the set's sequel released four years later, Team Rocket Returns.
This is also the first set to include a card exclusive to the English-language version, though it was eventually released for the Japanese counterpart, as well. As part of a promotion, an American-only Dark Raichu can be found in this set, though it is the rarest card, as a "secret" card that numbered above the regular set number: "83/82". The card was also available in Australian sets.