CCG Trader
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This long awaited set introduced one new card type, the Dungeon. This is a personal rule card that is played before your first turn. However, there were many new concepts that were brought up in this set.

We were given Artifacts that could only be attached to Realms, powerful new support cards (especially making Thieves very fearsome), and spells that could only be cast by champions on the correct world. Plus, the chase set of 1-25 were all cards created by fans at the 1996 GenCon Game fair.

Landmark Cards: Labyrinth of Castle Greyhawk (#6); Pit of the Mind Lord (#11); The Enchanted Land (#15); Song of the Dragonlance (#22); The Azure tower of Onad the Fallen (#24); Border Garrison (#31); Ruins of Iolonia (#32); Skulker (#40); Tyvorg the Frost Giant (#45); Master Illithid (#53); Boiling Oil (#55); Cannon Ball (#60); The Triton Throne (#65); Psionic Disintegrate (#73); Death Field (#81); Con Game (#82); Hijacking (#86); City Shield (#92); What Goes Around Comes Around (#100); Fighting Dirty (c#3); Black Hands Thieves Guild (c#5); Enter Darkness Together (c#10); Necba the Wrathmaker (c#14); Handmine (c#16); Poor Oriental Lord (c#20); and Highmaster Illithos (c#21).